hi, I enjoyed this game, very well done, especially the atmosphere (sound and graphics). And the political message is efficiently delivered to the player (which is the first goal of the game right?).
But there is a big issue in the gameplay in my opinion. There is no "do nothing" button between "boost" and "throttle". And all users fit in either exceptionally good users or exceptionally bad users. As an example to make me clear, if a user exceeds his usage limit, he will not be using a promoted service. For the same reason, when the policy only has two lines (boost new customers and throttle exceeding customers), you will know if the customer exceeds just watching the inscription date.
As a result, you, as a player, are always reminded that you are dealing with procedural generated customers. This is not realistic. The "theater illusion" is broken.
I would have liked the different stats of the customer to be independent. A new user (boost) could have used a forbidden service (disconnect). You may answer that it would be hard to choose the action, but you can just order them, according to the memo. If the line "boost new users" is first and "disconnect forbidden services" is second, then the right action is to boost. This would permit to make a much larger difficulty progression.
Still good game ;)