
Salamandre's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,943 (From 464 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 33,440 Points

Writer Man 5

Medals Earned: 7/58 (35/500 points)

Beginneth Thy Journey 5 Points

enter your name

Humour 5 5 Points

have humour of 5

Publisher 5 Points

use a publisher

Quality 10 5 Points

write a book with a quality of 10 or more

Quality 5 5 Points

write a book with a quality of 5 or more

Research 5 5 Points

have research of 5

Tent 5 Points

buy a tent

$5000 5 Points

have $5000

10 Books 5 Points

write 10 books

100 Weeks 5 Points

play 100 in-game weeks

5 Books 5 Points

write 5 books

50 Weeks 5 Points

play 50 in-game weeks

Bus Pass 5 Points

buy a bus pass

Charisma 10 5 Points

have charisma of 10

Charisma 5 5 Points

have charisma of 5

Humour 10 5 Points

have humour of 10

Intelligence 10 5 Points

have intelligence of 10

Intelligence 5 5 Points

have intelligence of 5

Research 10 5 Points

have research of 10

Self-Published 5 Points

self publish a book

Style 10 5 Points

have style of 10

Style 5 5 Points

have style of 5

Top 40 5 Points

get in the top 40 of the book charts

Typewriter 5 Points

buy a typewriter

Vocab 10 5 Points

have vocabulary of 10

Vocab 5 5 Points

have vocabulary of 5

Wit 10 5 Points

have wit of 10

Wit 5 5 Points

have wit of 5

$10000 10 Points

have $10000

25 Books 10 Points

write 25 books

250 Weeks 10 Points

play 250 in-game weeks

50 Books 10 Points

write 50 books

500 Weeks 10 Points

play 500 in-game week

Apartment 10 Points

buy an apartment

Car 10 Points

buy a car

Charisma 20 10 Points

have charisma of 20

Charisma 30 10 Points

have charisma of 30

Computer 10 Points

buy a computer

Humour 20 10 Points

have humour of 20

Humour 30 10 Points

have humour of 30

Intelligence 20 10 Points

have intelligence of 20

Intelligence 30 10 Points

have intelligence of 30

Laptop 10 Points

buy a laptop

Quality 25 10 Points

write a book with a quality of 25 or more

Research 20 10 Points

have research of 20

Research 30 10 Points

have research of 30

Style 20 10 Points

have style of 20

Style 30 10 Points

have style of 30

Top 10 10 Points

get in the top 10 of the book charts

Top 20 10 Points

get in the top 10 of the book charts

Vocab 20 10 Points

have vocabulary of 20

Vocab 30 10 Points

have vocabulary of 30

Wit 20 10 Points

have wit of 20

Wit 30 10 Points

have wit of 30

100 Books 25 Points

write 100 books

Fancy Apartment 25 Points

buy a fancy apartment

Fancy Car 25 Points

buy a fancy car

Smash Hit Book 25 Points

reach #1 on the book charts

Yakuza Rising

Medals Earned: 4/7 (55/185 points)

Black Hawk Down 10 Points

Beat the helicopter boss.

Is that all? 10 Points

Kill 100 enemies.

Samurai Soldier 10 Points

Have 50 or more bullets at any given time.

Success 25 Points

Beat the game.

Flesh wound 5 Points

Die 50 times

IronMan 25 Points

Beat the game with 5 or less deaths.

Indestructible 100 Points

Beat the game without dying.

You Are Disabled

Medals Earned: 4/5 (275/325 points)

Crippled 25 Points

Reach the end with the Crippled disability.

Illiterate 50 Points

Reach the end with the Illiterate disability.

Nearly Blind 100 Points

Reach the end with the Nearly Blind disability.

Spastic 100 Points

Reach the end with the Spastic disability.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

You Are The Victim

Medals Earned: 1/4 (10/235 points)

A Saint's Slip-up 10 Points

Stab a person on camera

Freedom Fighter 25 Points

Kill a police officer

It's Hard To Not Murder 100 Points

Hit the floor 20 times

You Are The Victim 100 Points

Get the "best" ending

You Broke the Game

Medals Earned: 4/7 (90/390 points)

Key 5 Points

Put the key on the altar

Apple 10 Points

Put the apple on the altar

Potion 25 Points

Put the potion on the altar

Goblet 50 Points

Put the goblet on the altar

Full Score 100 Points

Collect all the coins and beat the game

Pacifist 100 Points

Beat the game without killing any enemy (level restart is allowed)

Speedrun 100 Points

Beat the game in under 3 minutes

You Have One Box

Medals Earned: 8/12 (95/270 points)

Level 1 5 Points

Complete Level 1

Level 2 5 Points

Complete Level 2

Level 3 5 Points

Complete Level 3

Level 4 10 Points

Complete Level 4

Level 5 10 Points

Complete Level 5

Level 6 10 Points

Complete Level 6

Level 7 25 Points

Complete Level 7

Level 8 25 Points

Complete Level 8

Level 9 25 Points

Complete Level 9

Level 10 50 Points

Complete Level 10

Level 11 50 Points

Complete Level 11

Level 12 50 Points

Complete Level 12

You Have To Go Fishing

Medals Earned: 1/1 (25/25 points)

Go Fishing 25 Points

You feel at peace.

You Only Get One Face

Medals Earned: 1/18 (10/490 points)

Thespian 10 Points

Successfully audition the Thespian

Clean shaven 5 Points

Successfully shaved it all off!

Full beard 5 Points

Successfully find the full beard!

Full Gringo 10 Points

Successfully find the Full Gringo!

King Tut 10 Points

Dig up King Tut

La Poirot 10 Points

Detect la Poirot!

Mutton Chops 10 Points

Lookin' hot in yer Mutton Chops

Napoleon Imperial 10 Points

Successfully find the Napoleon Imperial

Soul Patch 10 Points

Find your soul (patch)

The Lemmy 10 Points

Locate Lemmy!

Abe 25 Points

Hey Abe, my top lip is awful chilly!

Fu manchu 25 Points

Don't f*** with the Fu Manchu

Goatee 25 Points

Successfully find the Goatee

Zappa 25 Points

Rock out the Zappa

The Souvarov 50 Points

Successfully find The Souvarov

Winnfield 50 Points

Successfully find The Winnfield

Sparrow 100 Points

Enter random pirate quote here...

The Anchor 100 Points

Anchor's away! Aweigh? Meh.

Zombie Society - Dead Detective

Medals Earned: 5/9 (205/325 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Zombie Vampire Slayer From The Future

Medals Earned: 3/7 (105/455 points)

Split Shot 5 Points

Find a weapons upgrade

Find An Opening 50 Points

Find an entrance to Dracula's castle

Survive Sewer 50 Points

Survive that nasty area with all the junk in it

Kill 50 Zombies 50 Points

Kill 50 zombies

Collect All Secrets 100 Points

Collect every treasure in the game, including the hidden ones

Defeat Dracula 100 Points

Defeat Dracula

Speed runner 100 Points

Finish the whole game in under 3 minutes!